So it's been almost two years since my last post, which was gonna be my last post.
But here I am again. A wooden nickel in human form.
In the intervening period since I gave up on the idea of finding an agent/publisher, I was inspired by another book consultant to further polish my cover letter for COME THE HARPIES and greatly expand my universe of agents. That led to about 100 more rejections and further confirmation that if you don't write a certain kind of book or represent a certain type of author, there is no market for your output.
Even the wildly successful James Patterson has been quoted and drawn a lot of flack for suggesting that white male authors haven't much chance in today's market unless they established their reputation and following decades ago. I've decided not to gnash my teeth over his observation.
One interesting piece of news is that my book was one of four finalists for the 2022 Maxy Award in the General Fiction category. That was a cool achievement and I did follow-up with some agents to promote that development, but still the response was crickets.
Periodically I check in with this blog and it does get some traffic, which I guess is primarily by accident. But for those of you who are here on purpose and are curious about my magnum opus, here's a link to its Amazon page. Print and e-book versions are available.
It's got a pretty neat cover.
Also over the intervening period, I finished a draft of my latest novel, which is quite different from HARPIES, which I'll be editing over the coming months and then decide what to do with it.
So again I say farewell, or should it be au revoir for now. The future is forever fickle.
Carl Ehnis is a talented writer with a funny sense of humor.