The Annoying Sound of Crickets

In the stillness of the night, not a sound to be heard but the stridulation of crickets. So relaxing, such a peaceful song with which to end your day. Nature's lullaby.

I'm so not talking about that!

This is about the slangy usage of the term "crickets." As in a non-reaction to a given stimulus. Such as a riotously funny joke that evokes not even a titter from the audience. Such as the dead silence that overtakes a staff meeting when the boss insists on a brainstorming session. Such as why did you think I wanted a vacuum cleaner for my birthday?

I've sent out dozens of query letters and samples for my novel, COME THE HARPIES. What do you think has been the predominant response from my target agents? That's right. Crickets!

Years of honing the manuscript and draft after draft of query letters and plot summaries only to be met with a wall of indifference. What to do? This video helps explain why writers do not often hear back from agents.

According to the video hosts, the number one reason agents do not respond to queries is because they haven't read them! Other reasons include the possibility that your query is not compelling, the recipient isn't interested in your book, or he or she may be on the fence about whether to request more material from you.

For my own sanity, I will assume that my book is worthy and my query letter stellar, thus making myself believe that my queries are simply not being read. That being the case, I'll take the video host's advice and send out follow-ups to all my non-responders. Many follow-ups. I mean MANY MANY FOLLOW-UPS! I will be heard! Email is free! I dare them to spam me!

Crickets is the ugliest non-sound in the world for us writers. 


A Blog Resurrected

Five years ago I started this blog to chronicle my journey to what I hoped would be my first commercially published novel. The idea was the ...